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My Personal Website

by Luke MacLean

19th July, 2022

techy schmechy

Hey, I can’t forget to talk about this site! This site was a ton of fun to build. I was able to take what I have learned about the WordPress CMS and its Gutenberg blocks, posts, tagging, categories. I then combined that with what I’ve recently been learning in Headless WordPress and the WordPress Rest API, specifically with it’s implementation in Frontity, and leveraged that with the power of a beautiful UI library, Chakra, which is accessibility first. The WordPress site is hosted through WordPress’s hosting service, and the Frontity app is deployed on Vercel with each push to its Git repo. Of course, none of this would be any help without our friends at Google and their wonderful suite of analytics tools, which I have implemented on this site.

Let’s Connect On Linked-In! >

by Luke MacLean